Komin ur Newspaper, nadi ad skila inn greininni minni a rettum tima - aetla ad birta hana her i heild sinni (allavega i einn dag eda eitthvad) svo tid sjaid hvad eg er ad gera i skolanum minum. Hvers vegna er ekki haegt ad setja inn attachment herna, tad vaeri miklu hentugara....
World AIDS Day Program
On December 2, the World AIDS Day will be celebrated on Front Campus Drive here in UWG. The program is held because of the annual global AIDS day that takes place December 1 every year. Since it happens to come up on a Sunday, the organizers of the event decided to move it to the following Monday in order to attract more people.
The Candle Light Vigil is sponsored by Lambda, the Health Service and Residents Life. Lambda, the gay, straight, bisexual and transgender organization, is the main coordinator of the event.
“I feel very strongly about AIDS awareness because it is a disease that does not discriminate. It touches all races and all walks of life,” says Michal Murphy, a Lambda member and organizer. “This vigil is to remind UWG that no one can take HIV and AIDS lightly. Even the healthiest of people may have it. Mind you it is not a STD seminar. It is a time, in which to reflect on those who have died from the disease and celebrate life for those who are living with the disease.”
The worldaidsday.org estimates that 40 million people were living with HIV by the end of 2001 and a further 5 million new infections are predicted by the end of 2002. “There are positive students here on campus,” says Health Educator with the Health Service Debra Dugan. “Atlanta has the third highest AIDS rate after San Francisco and New York, and whenever somebody is this close [to the city], you know that it is in your community.”
Dugan says that the campus event on Dec 2. will invite speakers to talk about how AIDS had affected them and the podium will be open to those who want to share their experience. It was decided to have the event in front of the Chapel on Front Campus Drive instead of Love Valley in order to get the community involved.
As well as stringing a large banner over Maple Street, the participants will be given candles and every 10th candle will be lit. Then people will light each other’s candles to symbolize the rapid spreading of the deadly disease. After the vigil, people will blow out candles, one by one, to remember those who have died from it.
“People driving by [will see] it and it will create awareness about the statistics of AIDS, because a group of people on Front Campus Drive will make people really see the fast spreading of AIDS and generate a big impact,” says Hope Cannon, a psychology junior and the webmaster for RHPC. Residents Hall President Counsil (RHPC), a chapter of Residence Life Office, decided to sponsor the program because they had seen the devastating effect of AIDS on friends and family.
“I had a cousin that died of AIDS in 1990 after getting the HIV virus via blood product. That’s why AIDS education is important to me,” says Barb Dyer, the Assistant Director of Residence Life, when explaining why she has personal interest about getting involved.
Cannon also has several friends that are HIV positive so the issue is personal to her too. She believes that AIDS awareness was a trendy concern, but after awhile it became less noticeable but the education is very important to maintain.
It is not just here on campus that the AIDS day is celebrated; among others, MTV will be celebrating it by featuring a concert special with performances in Cape Town, South Africa and Seattle from such artists as P. Diddy, Michelle Branch, Missy Eliott, Alicia Keys, Dave Matthews, Beyonce, TLC, Nelson Mandela and many more. The MTV website claims that “This global concert event comes out of a unique partnership founded to fight the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, prevent further infections and empower young people to make informed decisions.” The concerts will air on World Aids Day, Dec 1.
Connon encourages students and all member of the community to show up for the campus event and support classmates and other people infected with virus, and reminds us that anybody can get infected. A lot more people carry the virus than people realize, and the event will make more people aware of the problem, as well as showing general support to those influenced by it in any way.
The Candle Light Vigil will be held on Front Campus Drive Dec. 2 at 7:00 pm.
Tar hafid tid tad, eitt stykki frett sem eg skrifadi a klukkutima en nadi ad skila inn a rettum tima, eg er greinilega efni i alvoru frettamann undir deadline!
RA profid eftir taepa 2 tima og enginn veit hvad verdur a tvi... hofum ekki gert neitt merkilegt i tessum timum??
Gosbrunnurinn nyji er ekkert sma glaesilegur i dag - reyndar var hann ekki ad virka alla helgina tvi einhverju spjatrungar gerdu tad ad leik sinum ad setja tvottaefni i hann og stifludu leidslurnar... tad var samt gaman ad sja allar sapukulurnar!! Thihihi.... tad er lika ferlega gott vedur herna nuna eftir kuldakast i sl viku. For i Max flispeysuna minir bolinn minn og tad er of mikid... reyndar neydist eg til ad vera med hana rennda upp i hals vegna tess ad eg er klaufi. Eg var ad henda einu af blominu sem Vincent gaf mer, og nadi ad klina frjokornum yfir hvita bolinn minn (tau eru skaer appelsinugul) og tau fara bara ekkert af! Tok ekki eftir tessu fyrr en eg var komin ut og a leid i tima, buin ad reyna ad nudda og skola tau ur, en nei.... hef bara ekki vitad annad eins!
Jaeja, aetla ad koma mer og lesa eitthvad fyrir tetta prof... Vi ses!
World AIDS Day Program
On December 2, the World AIDS Day will be celebrated on Front Campus Drive here in UWG. The program is held because of the annual global AIDS day that takes place December 1 every year. Since it happens to come up on a Sunday, the organizers of the event decided to move it to the following Monday in order to attract more people.
The Candle Light Vigil is sponsored by Lambda, the Health Service and Residents Life. Lambda, the gay, straight, bisexual and transgender organization, is the main coordinator of the event.
“I feel very strongly about AIDS awareness because it is a disease that does not discriminate. It touches all races and all walks of life,” says Michal Murphy, a Lambda member and organizer. “This vigil is to remind UWG that no one can take HIV and AIDS lightly. Even the healthiest of people may have it. Mind you it is not a STD seminar. It is a time, in which to reflect on those who have died from the disease and celebrate life for those who are living with the disease.”
The worldaidsday.org estimates that 40 million people were living with HIV by the end of 2001 and a further 5 million new infections are predicted by the end of 2002. “There are positive students here on campus,” says Health Educator with the Health Service Debra Dugan. “Atlanta has the third highest AIDS rate after San Francisco and New York, and whenever somebody is this close [to the city], you know that it is in your community.”
Dugan says that the campus event on Dec 2. will invite speakers to talk about how AIDS had affected them and the podium will be open to those who want to share their experience. It was decided to have the event in front of the Chapel on Front Campus Drive instead of Love Valley in order to get the community involved.
As well as stringing a large banner over Maple Street, the participants will be given candles and every 10th candle will be lit. Then people will light each other’s candles to symbolize the rapid spreading of the deadly disease. After the vigil, people will blow out candles, one by one, to remember those who have died from it.
“People driving by [will see] it and it will create awareness about the statistics of AIDS, because a group of people on Front Campus Drive will make people really see the fast spreading of AIDS and generate a big impact,” says Hope Cannon, a psychology junior and the webmaster for RHPC. Residents Hall President Counsil (RHPC), a chapter of Residence Life Office, decided to sponsor the program because they had seen the devastating effect of AIDS on friends and family.
“I had a cousin that died of AIDS in 1990 after getting the HIV virus via blood product. That’s why AIDS education is important to me,” says Barb Dyer, the Assistant Director of Residence Life, when explaining why she has personal interest about getting involved.
Cannon also has several friends that are HIV positive so the issue is personal to her too. She believes that AIDS awareness was a trendy concern, but after awhile it became less noticeable but the education is very important to maintain.
It is not just here on campus that the AIDS day is celebrated; among others, MTV will be celebrating it by featuring a concert special with performances in Cape Town, South Africa and Seattle from such artists as P. Diddy, Michelle Branch, Missy Eliott, Alicia Keys, Dave Matthews, Beyonce, TLC, Nelson Mandela and many more. The MTV website claims that “This global concert event comes out of a unique partnership founded to fight the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, prevent further infections and empower young people to make informed decisions.” The concerts will air on World Aids Day, Dec 1.
Connon encourages students and all member of the community to show up for the campus event and support classmates and other people infected with virus, and reminds us that anybody can get infected. A lot more people carry the virus than people realize, and the event will make more people aware of the problem, as well as showing general support to those influenced by it in any way.
The Candle Light Vigil will be held on Front Campus Drive Dec. 2 at 7:00 pm.
Tar hafid tid tad, eitt stykki frett sem eg skrifadi a klukkutima en nadi ad skila inn a rettum tima, eg er greinilega efni i alvoru frettamann undir deadline!
RA profid eftir taepa 2 tima og enginn veit hvad verdur a tvi... hofum ekki gert neitt merkilegt i tessum timum??
Gosbrunnurinn nyji er ekkert sma glaesilegur i dag - reyndar var hann ekki ad virka alla helgina tvi einhverju spjatrungar gerdu tad ad leik sinum ad setja tvottaefni i hann og stifludu leidslurnar... tad var samt gaman ad sja allar sapukulurnar!! Thihihi.... tad er lika ferlega gott vedur herna nuna eftir kuldakast i sl viku. For i Max flispeysuna minir bolinn minn og tad er of mikid... reyndar neydist eg til ad vera med hana rennda upp i hals vegna tess ad eg er klaufi. Eg var ad henda einu af blominu sem Vincent gaf mer, og nadi ad klina frjokornum yfir hvita bolinn minn (tau eru skaer appelsinugul) og tau fara bara ekkert af! Tok ekki eftir tessu fyrr en eg var komin ut og a leid i tima, buin ad reyna ad nudda og skola tau ur, en nei.... hef bara ekki vitad annad eins!
Jaeja, aetla ad koma mer og lesa eitthvad fyrir tetta prof... Vi ses!