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Mer er illt i tungunni minni.... brenndi mig illilega i gaerkveldi. Anisa var svo god ad gefa mer kjuklingasupu sem hun eldadi (fra grunni, ofsalega god!) en eg var bara svo gradug ad eg let hana ekki kolna naegilega adur en eg skofladi skeidinni upp i mig - er enn ad tjast fyrir tad :(
Skraning min i tima fyrir naestu tokst ekki sem best, tarf ad fara og tala vid stolana ("chairs") af 2 deildum sem eru ad banna mer ad skra mig i tima tar, tratt fyrir ad eg megi tad... ! Alltaf eitthvad vesen...
Ekkert merkilegt gerdist a vaktinni minni i gaer. Jackquie let okkur hafa matid (evaluation) sem hun tarf ad skila inn til Residence Life, vid lasum yfir tad og skrifudum undir. Allt var i godu hja mer :)
Spjalladi vid Sebastien a msn og hann itrekadi ad heimbodid yfir Thanksgiving vaeri ennta i gildi ef eg vildi koma. Tannig ad nuna er eg a badum attum, langar ferlega til ad fara eitthvad yfir Thx en veit samt ekki hvort eg timi tvi. Hann er ad stunda fallhlifarstokk a fullu nuna... eeeek! Mig daudlangar i fallhlifarstokk og tad gaeti verid ad eg faeri til Arizona i heimsokn bara til ad gera tad...!!!!
Thihihi eg var ad lesa bloggid hennar Anisu og fann tar sem hun hitti Orlando i fyrsta skipti (tad er, Orlando Riverso kandiski sem er her a campus, ekki Hinn Eini Sanni). Hun lysir tvi svo snilldarlega ad eg verd ad birta tad her:
A God at West Georgia...whoda thunk?
Okay...i went to the health center this afternoon for condoms(for my resident's bathroom)and information on how to beat the cold/flu season. So the woman at the front desk is like, "Go talk to Debra Dugan", the health center coordinater. So I'm walking down the hall, totally oblivious to what I'm about to see. I walk into her office and there, standing in front of her desk is a GORGEOUS MAN. I mean, I'm not talking about cute, or handsome. I'm talking drop dead, jaw locking, eye popping deliciously gorgeous. He started to talk and I remember something about him being Greek or something. Yeah, that's right ladies. There is a Greek God taking classes at the State University of West Georgia. So I managed to say a meek "Hi", and then I preceeded to ask Debra Dugan about the condoms and cold/flu season information. And this guy's like, "Oh you need condoms, eh?" and I'm like, "Not for me, but for my residents; they need them for our bathroom so they can used them." and I told him the story of the day of fifty condoms, and how I found them later hanging on a resident's ceiling for easy access. He just laughed and laughed. A beautiful laugh...(why was I surprised?) Then Debra took me into another room, but just before we got there God said, "I'll see you later Debra; and don't forget about the soccer game later on. Come and see me." And I'm like, meekly and in a daze, "Byebye now..." When he left, I was like to Debra, "Is it just me, or does that guy just not know how gorgeous he is?" and she's like, "Oh, you mean Orlando?"(DUH LADY!!) "and she's like, he's so nice, and polite, and CLEAN and athletic and healthy and SINGLE..." and I was just hanging on her words and the name of the God, Orlando. Needless to say I needed a drool cup for the emmense* amounts of saliva cascading down my neck. Anywho. That's my story. Read it well, Ladies.
Hehehe, i pre-partyinu a fostudaginn ta reyndi eg ad koma teim tveimur saman, en tad var haegara sagt er gert, gat samt kynnt tau :) Anisa kom ekki i eftir-partyid, tvi midur, annars hefdi eg getad plottad eitthvad meira fyrir tau....
Anisa sagdi mer ad Gavin hefdi verid i tessu sama herbergi inni hja Debru tegar hun hitti Orlando, en hefdi ekki tekid eftir honum tvi hun var blindud og guddomleika hans... hun er svo dramatisk :)
Af hverju turfti eg ad gleyma jakkanum minum a Islandi! Tad er kuldakast yfir halfu landinu, og eg aetladi mer a fara i jakka i skolann. Svo eg leita og leita og leita ad jakka, en finn ekki neinn. Komst ad teirri nidurstodu ad hann hefdi ordid eftir a Islandi i sumar. Hvad ef eg tarf aftur jakka herna, hvad a eg ta ad gera! Hef eina plispeysu ef tad fer i hart, en madur getur t.d. farid ut i flispeysu! To madur se i Carrollton....